The National Bullying Helpline logo

Helpline: 0300 323 0169

Telephone: 0845 225 5787

We are open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

The Bullying Directory

Find Professional Services near you

Search for professional services across the UK related to bullying and employment law.

Do you want to promote your business?

We want to put you in front of your next customer the moment they realise they require your services.

We are attracting thousands of visitors and hundreds of calls a day from people looking for advice related to bullying including Legal and HR advice, Counselling, Training and Therapy services. As the number one ranked website for employment law related to bullying, our website visitors and helpline callers come to us for advice and representation at a point when they are ready to act.


We are offering Solicitors, HR Consultants and Employment Law Specialists a chance to join our membership scheme so our helpline volunteers can recommend your services across the UK. If you think you would be interested in supporting this great cause and want to promote your services to people and companies looking for your services, get in touch today.

Where else can you go for help

If you or your child is affected by something you have seen or experienced online, here are some alternative helplines and useful contact numbers for organisations that may be able to assist.

NSPCC logo

Advice and Helpline

0808 800 5000

Young Minds Logo

Young Minds Parent Helpline

0808 802 5544

Kidscape Logo

 Kidscape Parent Advice Line

020 7823 5430

Samaritans Logo

Contact a Samaritan

116 123

Children 1st Logo

Children Parentline Scotland

08000 282233

Professionals Online Safety Logo

Professionals Online Safety

0844 381 4772

The Mix Logo

Helpline for under 25s

0808 808 4994

Stop It Now Logo

Confidential Help & Support

0808 1000 900


Cruise Care

Family Lives

HOPELineUK (young suicides)

Lifeline - Northern Ireland

Live Fear Free

Mental Health Helpline


National Stalking Helpline

NAPAC Helpline

Rape Crisis Helpline

Rape & Abuse - Women

Rape & Abuse - Men

Rape Crisis Scotland

Respect Phoneline

Scotland's Domestic Abuse

Safe Ireland Helpline

Stalking Suzy Lamplugh Trust

Stop Hate Crime UK

Victim Support Supportline

The Survivors Trust

Womens Aid

Wales Domestic Abuse

0800 055 6112

0808 808 1677

0808 800 2222

0800 068 41 41

0808 808 8000

0808 8010 800

0800 132 737

0300 123 3393

0808 802 0300

0808 801 0331

0808 802 9999

0808 800 0123

0808 800 0122

08088 01 03 02

0845 112 8609

0800 027 1234

1800 341 900

0808 802 0300

0800 138 1625

0808 168 9111

0808 801 0818

0808 2000 247

0808 80 10 800

Our Sponsors and Members


The National Bullying Helpline gratefully acknowledges the generosity of members and sponsors. Support provided by corporations and businesses from across the UK allows us to offer free advice to anyone dealing with a bullying related issue. For more information on opportunities to become a sponsor of the National Bullying Helpline, please contact us at [email protected]

McCabe and Co Solicitors

Taylor Fordyce Solicitors

Landau Law Solicitors

Lara Doherty, The Bully Coach™

The National Bullying Helpline

Call: 0300 323 0169 or 0845 22 55 787

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©️ The National Bullying Helpline 2022

Call the National Bullying Helpline on

0300 323 0169 or

0845 22 55 787

Open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday